Nov 21, 2008 · Run my router on DD-WRT ; Attach a USB drive for storage ; Use Samba to share the storage with other devices on the network ; If possible, spin up a uPNP server for consuming media from an Xbox 360. Process Flash your router with DD-WRT. First of all, I installed DD-WRT on the Linksys 350N.

Feb 04, 2010 · For a media server, a quiet machine can be very important. In addition to extensive customization and management, dd-wrt provides a wake-on-LAN feature. Best of all, when the server fills up The setup for DD-WRT is beyond the scope of this review, although the details can be found on their forums. It serves well as a media server and a server for Mar 08, 2013 · Today we set up a USB hard drive as network attached storage. You can use Samba or FTP, and EXT3, Fat, or NTFS filesystems as long as you have a "big" build of dd-wrt. I've used this to stream Logitech Media Server (formerly SlimServer, SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox Server) is a streaming audio server supported by Logitech (formerly Slim Devices), developed in particular to support their Squeezebox range of digital audio receivers. It is good for netflix, but if you want to stream media from your DLNA server it is not fast enough for HD content. There are few options to speed up the network speed on the PS3. Connect it directly to the router with a ethernet wire, wire up the PS3 to a second wifi router that supports faster speeds, connect it using ethernet over coaxial or Here is snapshot of UPnP settings on our DD-WRT router. Download, Install and Setup DLNA Media Server. Download the TVersity server from here. During Installation allow the configuration Wizard to  open windows firewall setting for Media Sharing. Windows firewall may block UPnP and Media Sharing depending upon how its configured. Digital media receivers or home entertainment device like Apple TV, Xbox 360, Mac Mini, Roku Netflix player, Western Digital TV Live Media Player, D-Link Media Lounge, Netgear Digital Entertainer HD Any other devices, laptops, wi-fi phones, HTPC, media server etc. that connects to Internet using Ethernet or wireless adapter

export PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR="${SCRIPTPATH}/support" export TMPDIR="${SCRIPTPATH}/tmp" I created the folders "support" and "tmp" on the script folder, and when I run ./ start, the scripts runs with no errors, but the server it's not running.

The server is a windows 10 box, with WOL functioning (tested and confirmed working) and latest version of Plex Media Center. The clients for this test is my laptop (macbook, 10.10.5 (yosemite) using the web app) and my android phone (v6.0), using the plex media player app. The script im using is included at the bottom of this post.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:30 Post subject: DLNA Server SetUp: I need help setting up my DLNA Server. Router Model: Asus RT-AC66U Firmware Version: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (06/09/14) kongac - build 24200M

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:30 Post subject: DLNA Server SetUp: I need help setting up my DLNA Server. Router Model: Asus RT-AC66U Firmware Version: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (06/09/14) kongac - build 24200M Introduction and Overview. uShare is a UPnP (TM) A/V & DLNA Media Server. It implements the server component that provides UPnP media devices with information on available multimedia files. uShare uses the built-in http server of libupnp to stream the files to clients. Guys, have a problem with media server on my Ps3. Did everything as described above, I can see the dd-wrt server on ps-3, but the media files folders are somehow empty, though the directories seem to be right: /jffs/music corresponds to USB drive/music (root folder and than music folder). Apr 04, 2018 · Enter the credentials for your VPN login which was configured in the DD-WRT router settings. Click Connect. After a few moments, if everything is configured correctly, you should be connected to the PPTP VPN Server on the DD-WRT router. Oct 27, 2015 · DD-WRT is a corrective measure that breaks a router out of a manufacturer’s prisons of limitations and restrictions. DD-WRT can add DLNA (or a smaller version called MiniDLNA) and UPnP compatibility to routers that did not have it previously. Feb 18, 2014 · If you'd like to know more about DD-WRT, we'd also recommend reading our huge DD-WRT Guide. This is great for sharing files or resources in the office, or acting as a centralized media streaming server in the household, so that family members can view or listen to a shared library of movies, music or photos, using any computer, smart phone