Is it possible to hook up my ps3 without an ethernet cable

What is your PS3 download speed? Mine just got 10x faster Having a wired connection is impossible for me since the router is too far away, I just tested my wireless speed on my PS3 and it's giving me roughly 3.0Mbps, we're supposed to be getting 5Mbps. 8 Solved: PS3 cannot find Media Server on Wired PC - Verizon However, my PS3 can link to the Media Server (also WMP 12) on my wireless windows 7 laptop. But, when I connect my laptop via Ethernet to the router the PS3 loses and can no longer find the WMP 12 media server on my laptop until I return the laptop to a wireless set up. So the problem appears to be with an Ethernet Wired connection to router. Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues

You can register devices such as game machines, Roku boxes, smart TVs, and Blu-Ray players for the wired network. This requires that the device has a built-in wired ethernet port. Note that you need to provide the MAC or physical address of the wired device (there is no registration for wireless devices).

How do I connect my PS3 to FIOs wired? Sometimes I get no IP address. Sometimes I succeed ip and internet test than fail on playstation test. Other time I suceed on all except upnp. Anyone have a solution?

If you would like to connect a PlayStation 3 to a Wired Network using the [Custom] settings, this article will take you through the necessary steps to do so. Before you begin: Ensure that the Ethernet cable is connected to the PlayStation 3 system.

How Do I Connect My Computer or Device to the Internet You can register devices such as game machines, Roku boxes, smart TVs, and Blu-Ray players for the wired network. This requires that the device has a built-in wired ethernet port. Note that you need to provide the MAC or physical address of the wired device (there is no registration for wireless devices).